This is what I changed with respect to the tutorial:

  • The player gets score when he kills an enemy.
  • Fixed the Heal pickup. Now you can take it even if you are full life.
  • Made the player able to fly thanks to a pickup.  Also added an UI element to show  the remaining time in which he can fly.
  • Created two completely new levels.
  • Fixed the lives reset. Now they reset to the default after a game is over.
  • Created a script which is applied to static platforms and that make them disappear for a short period of time if the player jumps or stays either on the right or on the left part of the platform (this can be set in the script).
  • Created an arrow that follows the player. The arrow direction suggests the side (left or right) of the platform which does not make it disappear. The direction of the arrow change randomically during the time. 
  • Added an animation for the arrow that signals that it is going to flip soon. The animation is triggered by a script.
  • Added instructions and credits pages.


Created by Andrea Barontini


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